Request for Proposals - Timberlands - 360 Townsend St
The City of Red Deer is issuing a Call for Proposals for the following property:
- Location: 360 Townsend Street St, Red Deer AB (Lots 3&4, Block 12, Plan 1522440)
- Area: 3.49 Acres (approximate measurement for the purpose of this Call for Proposals)
- Zoning: RM
- Servicing: Services available in the roadway
- Proposal must include:
- Price
- Proposed development for the site. Must meet the regulations of the City of Red Deer’s New Zoning Bylaw.
- Project timing of development (commencement and completion)
- List of Purchaser Conditions required to close.
- Examples of past projects similar in nature.
- Realtor commissions are not available.
- The City of Red Deer is not obligated to accept any proposals submitted, and this Call for Proposals will be open until a suitable development is found.
Please contact Land and Economic Development at 403-342-8106 or email econdev@reddeer.ca for more information.
Request for Proposals - Sorensen Station Lease
The City of Red Deer is inviting Requests for Proposals for the lease of available retail space at the Sorensen Station Parkade.
- Includes 584 sq ft indoor kiosk and 312 sq ft outdoor, enclosed patio
- High visibility at corner of 49 Avenue and 49 Street
- Easy walk-up access
Please see attached: Lease Opportunity Sorensen Station (pdf) and Sorensen Station RFP (pdf).
Sorensen Station, Red Deer
Offer to Lease Vacant Industrial (I1 Lot)
The City of Red Deer is leasing a vacant industrial lot in north Red Deer, located at 8230 Chiles Industrial Avenue.
- Location: 8230 Chiles Industrial Ave, Lot A, Plan 1269KS
- Area: 2.51 acres, fully fenced, not serviced
- Zoning: I1, previously used as recreational and automotive vehicle storage.
Please see Offer to Lease Information Package (pdf) for full submission requirements. This opportunity will remain open until a final offer has been accepted.
Please contact Land and Economic Development at 403-342-8106 or email econdev@reddeer.ca for details.
Offer to sell Vacant Residential Lot (Zoning: R-D)
The City of Red Deer is selling a vacant residential lot in the mature neighborhood of Anders.
- Location: 2 Adamson Ave (Lot 69, Block 12, Plan 1722602)
- Area: 5,933 sq ft
- Zoning: R-D
Please contact Land and Economic Development at 403-342-8106 or email econdev@reddeer.ca for details and pricing.